Privacy Policy

Hello. We are Ecom Ace. Here's how we protect your data and respect your privacy.

Introduction and Scope

If you are a Eco Ace client, or just visiting our website, this policy applies to you.

Shahood Irshan (Ecom Ace) places great importance on safeguarding personally identifiable information (referred to as "Personal Data"). This Privacy Policy addresses individuals whose Personal Data we may receive through our website, (referred to as the "Services"), from our customers.

When and how we collect data

We may receive your Personal Data when:

  • You directly provide it to us while using our Services.
  • Our customers (including their employees, contractors, and representatives) provide it to us.
  • Our service providers provide it to us.

You request a demo of Bearer

We call you

You use Bearer

You receive emails from us

You chat with us for customer support

You opt-in to marketing messages


You Book a Discovery Call via Our Website

You become one of our client

You receive emails from us

You opt-in to marketing messages

Types of data we collect

Your name, email address, role in your company, etc.

Contact details
  • Biographical - Company name or first and last name.
  • Demographic - Age, Gender, Nationality, and Country of Residence.

Biographical and Demographic Information

We don’t collect any "sensitive data" about you (like racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious/philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, health data, data about your sexual life or orientation, and offences or alleged offences).

What about really sensitive data?

How and why we use your data

Data protection law means that we can only use your data for certain reasons and where we have a legal basis to do so. Here are the reasons for which we process your data:

Enabling the use of the service

We may use your personal or company details to provide the service that we promised.

For Communication

We will be having communications with you during the period we provide the service to you and also to report the results we generate via our service. We may also use your information to respond to your requests and inquiries.

Marketing Purposes (With your Consent)

Sending you emails and messages about new features, products and services, and content.

Data Security and Storage

We have implemented and will maintain technical, administrative, and physical measures to protect Personal Data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Once the purposes of processing are fulfilled, we will delete the corresponding Personal Data within one year.

And please remember:

  • You provide personal data at your own risk: unfortunately, no data transmission is guaranteed to be 100% secure
  • You are responsible of your username and password: keep them secret and safe!
  • If you believe your privacy has been breached, please contact us immediately on

Your privacy choices and rights


If you choose to do this, you can continue to use the website and browse its pages, but we will not be able to book a call with you.

You can choose not to provide us with personal data

You can block cookies by activating a setting on your browser allowing you to refuse cookies. You can also delete cookies through your browser settings.

You can turn off cookies in your browser by changing its settings

We will inform you (before collecting your data) if we intend to use your data for marketing and if third parties are involved. You can opt out from marketing by emailing us at

You can ask us not to use your data for marketing
Your Rights

You can exercise your rights by sending us an email at

This includes the right to ask us supplementary information about:

  • The categories of data we’re processing
  • The purposes of data processing
  • The categories of third parties to whom the data may be disclosed
  • How long the data will be stored (or the criteria used to determine that period)
  • Your other rights regarding our use of your data

We will provide you with the information within one month of your request, unless doing so would adversely affect the rights and freedoms of other (e.g. another person’s confidentiality or intellectual property rights). We’ll tell you if we can’t meet your request for that reason.

You have the right to access information we hold about you

You can object to us using your data for profiling you or making automated decisions about you. We may use your data to determine whether we should let you know information that might be relevant to you (for example, tailoring emails to you based on your behavior). Otherwise, the only circumstances in which we will do this is to provide the Bearer service to you.

You have the right to make us correct any inaccurate personal data about you

You can do this by asking us to erase any personal data we hold about you, if it is no longer necessary for us to hold the data for purposes of your use of Bearer.

You have the right to be "forgotten" by us

Third parties who process your data

We may share Personal Data with our service providers, who process it on our behalf, in order to assist us in providing the Services or as required by law. Our service providers may include application hosting services, cloud storage services, email software, advertising and marketing services, and CRM software.


A "cookie" is a small file that contains information about your device. We may use cookies to provide relevant ads, website functionality, authentication, usage analytics, and to enhance our websites and Services. We utilize both session and persistent cookies. Session cookies are deleted when you close your browser, while persistent cookies have an expiration date and may remain after closing your browser. Most of the cookies we use are first-party cookies, but third parties like Google may also set their own cookies. Please refer to the policies of these third parties for more information on their data collection and processing practices. You can configure your browser to reject some or all cookies, but note that rejecting certain cookies may limit the features of our Services. For more details, visit Our Services do not respond to "Do Not Track" signals from web browsers.

When you visit or log in to our website, cookies and similar technologies may be used by our online data partners or vendors to associate these activities with other personal information they or others have about you, including by association with your email or home address. We (or service providers on our behalf) may then send communications and marketing to these email or home addresses. You may opt out of receiving this advertising by visiting

Changes to this Policy

If we make any significant changes to this Policy, we will post the revised version on this web page and update the "Effective" date. By continuing to use our Services after these changes, you accept the modified Policy.